Guide - ReplyRocket EXT [Full Guide]

Guide - ReplyRocket EXT [Full Guide]

Add ReplyRocket AI Assistant to your browser

Step 1: Install RR AI Assistant by clicking “Add to Chrome”.


Step 2: 📌 Pin ReplyRocket AI to your chrome’s extension.


Step 3: 👤 Login to ReplyRocket with Gmail


Step 4: ⚙️ Configure your assistant

If you don’t have a prompt in mind, you can use the “📝 Prompt Template”.
📝 Prompt Template

Fill out this template to help configure your ReplyRocket AI assistant. The more detailed and precise your responses, the better tailored the AI's output will be to your personal style and preferences.

👉🏼 Copy the snippet below:

ReplyRocket AI Configuration Template 1. Assistant Profile Information:** - Profession/Title: Content Writer - Domain: Social Media - Key Skills: 2. Content Preferences: - Tone of Voice: (Professional, Casual, Humorous, Inspirational, etc.) - Taboo Topics (if any): - Character limit: 3. Personalization Details: - Common Phrases or Words You Use: - Works or phrases you want to avoid: - Signature Sign-off: 5. Creative Boundaries: - Level of Creativity: (Low, Moderate, High – High may include metaphors, analogies, and creative expressions) - Factual Accuracy Requirement: (High, Moderate, Low) - Any specific sources or references to include? (resource links) 6. Interaction Preferences: - Frequency of Interaction: (How often do you want to post or respond?) - Engagement Style: (Do you prefer to ask questions, provide insights, or a mix of both?) 7. User Input Example for AI Training: - Provide 2-3 examples of typical posts or replies you have made in the past. (This will help the AI understand your style and content preference better.)


Step 5: 🔗 Go to Linkedin or Twitter
📝 Click on any post →
💬 Go to the reply section →
✨ You’ll see a magic button →

Refresh the page if you don’t see the button.

Click on the 🖱️ ReplyRocket button to create a response

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